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Category: Articles

Anti-Fatigue Mats

Guide to Choosing the Best Anti‑Fatigue Mat

ergoCentric’s Anti-Fatigue Mats are specifically designed to reduce the fatigue and discomfort that people typically experience when standing on a hard surface for long periods of time. Ergonomic Anti‑Fatigue Mats

How-To Replace an Armrest

The How-To series will guide you through some simple do-it-yourself tasks. There are a number of reasons why you might need to change the armrests on your chair. The user

Saying Goodbye to Static Office Environments

ergoCentric’s new showroom&store in the Yorkdale Shopping Centre According to a report by PWC, Millennials (individuals born between 1980 and 2000) want to work in the manner that suits them

Innovation at ergoCentric

Recently ergoCentric had the privilege of being recognized with the Technology & Innovation Award by the Mississauga Board of Trade, the city where our head office is located.  This public

How to Remove a Pneumatic Lift

How-To Replace a Pneumatic Lift

The How-To series will guide you through some simple do-it-yourself tasks. Although it’s rare, you may need to change the pneumatic lift on your chair.  If you find that the